Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Responding to peers blog

Kelli quail
Pro. Rau
Eng 101
November 3, 2014

I totally agree with berth. I actually can’t say it enough.  Her point in every paragraph was just proving more how digital is a lot better than print I think everyone should be using digital. Print is always helpful, however it is outdated. Digital is better than the next.
            Reading on your phone instead of a book, is eco –friendly. You can read a book over and over again on your phone. While reading a book you can lose it and it goes too waste. Berth also says how “it is very easy for people to organize their favorite articles or books. Everything a person wants or needs is on a digital which makes life easier.”(Berth) Books are in the past. It’s time to move on
            Beth in her next point talks about the kindle and tablet. My kindle is my whole life. I hate  reading paper books once I got mine. It mas it so much easier to read. I don’t have to worry about turning papers. Berth was on too a good point with that.
            In her next point Berth states “Being able to look up words and references immediately enhances knowledge and a fuller understanding than when a person reads something on paper and then looked it up later when they are around a dictionary or encyclopedia.”(Berth) Even spelling things are so much easier. You can just talk to siri. You don’t see a piece of paper do that.
Berth is more than right. Digital is so much better then print. If you don’t agree then it is time for you to upgrade your life.

                                                           Work Cited
S, Beth “Digital is better than print” Munchkineng101. October 30, 2014 web. November 3, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Why digital is better than print

2014 is a time where society isn’t holding around huge newspapers. Dan blank say’s in his article “ Why digital is better than print”, how people are not into print that much. Some people might agree with him and some may not. Digital has a bigger advantage. Today’s society is over print.
            Digital is Eco-friendly. For newspapers to be made it involves cutting down a tree. Digital is a lot better for the environment. As Dan says “Digital certainly consumes energy, but the inherent waste is not as evident, as millions of copies of a single piece of content can be replicated and spread across the world in moments” (page 4). While papers are being thrown away everywhere and wasted. Digital isn’t hurting anything.
            Paper is alone when it comes to looking up sources in a quick click. With digital a click away can send you to a lot of different sources. “  Print  media doesn’t play well with anyone else. It can be clipped, photocopied, and saved, but it always remains in its original form. For a beloved book, this could be fine. But when considering the education needs of the planet, and the productivity needs of all businesses, there is clearly a better way.” (page 5). With print you have one source. Digital you have phones, televisions and much more.
            Digital is more organized. While print can lose pages and get messed up. Digital can be saved in a folder to the person liking. People don’t have to worry about losing something unlike newspapers. Newspaper can start to revolve and join society.
            Print is outdated. People don’t go to libraries anymore. Digital is quicker to grab your phone and look up and book or a new article. It is quicker and more reliable. Print is good when  doing a research paper. But most people prefer just taking their phones out.
            Personally I think digital is a lot better than print. More people would agree with Dan Blank. He was right about all of this point on how digital is more eco-friendly and reliable unlike print.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Welcome !

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog ! My name is Kelli, and i am currently attending Nassau Community College. I am a fashion major i love working with clothes and makeup. I am right now working on getting my Cosmetology and makeup license. For those of you who don't know what cosmetology is, it's the study of working with hair, or normally known as  a hair dressier. I hope you enjoy my blog !